This morning welcomed the first long ride of the season. There were hundreds of cyclists out all trying get their own piece of pavement. With temperatures in the low seventies and nothing but sun shining, today couldn't have been a better day for some real distance.
I set out this morning, cruised up West End Dr, crossed over the George Washington Bridge and headed up route 9w with Stony Point in my head. I have done this ride before but I was wearing a thirty pound pack so my speed was a bit slower. I felt like I was flying today and it was great to be out of Central Park looping over and over again. Then suddenly I was passed by nearly 15 cyclists and someone looked at me as they passed and remarked, "you need to get some cleats on that thing." Perhaps that will help my speed, apparently those things increase efficiency but the price tag on those is not so efficient on a banking account. Decisions, decisions.
I pressed on, enjoying every downhill (that is in fact the very best part of cycling. the speed that is gained during a descent) and before I knew it I was in Stony Point. Must have been the fastest three hours of my life. Of course, I took a couple of wrong turns as I explored the area, but nonetheless, I found myself sitting in a bagel joint enjoying one of my favorite meals - a sausage, egg and cheese sandwich accompanied by an ice cold Mountain Dew. I love cycling, you can eat whatever you want.
After a 20 minute break, I was pedaling again and heading back to the city. But instead of heading south on West End Dr. I cruised through Harlem down Ft. Washington Ave. - seems like a pretty cool place, people were everywhere enjoying the good weather. Was a great day and I can definitely tell my legs getting stronger while my endurance improves.
Another ride awaits for tomorrow, but where?